Add Administrators

Tournament administrators are individuals designated to assist in managing the day-to-day operations of a tournament. They have additional privileges and responsibilities compared to regular tournament participants.

To add administrators to your tournament within Kumite Technology, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Navigate to Tournament Administrators: Go to the tournament administrators page within your tournament dashboard.

    Tournament Administrators Page

  2. Initiate Invitation: Click on the "Invite administrator" button to start inviting a new administrator.

    Invite Administrator Form

  3. Fill in Invitation Form: Fill in the required details in the invitation form, including the administrator's email address.

  4. Send Invitation: After successfully filling out the form, click on the "Send invitation" button to send the invitation. A success message will be displayed, and an email will be sent to the provided email address.

    Invitation Sent

  5. Accept Invitation: The recipient of the invitation will receive an email with a link to accept the invitation. They can either log in if they already have an account or register for a new account. Upon accepting the invitation, they will be redirected to the tournament administrators page with a success message.

    Invitation Email Invitation Email Invitation Email

  6. View New Administrator: Once the invitation is accepted, the new administrator will appear in the administrators table on the tournament administrators page.

    Invitation Email

Quick Login Option

As a tournament administrator, you have the option to perform a quick login to the tournament administration page using a generated QR code or link. To do so:

  • Select the desired role for the quick login.
  • Enter the time frame when this login will be valid. By default, it adds a time frame of 12 hours.
  • Click on the "Generate QR Code" button to display the code for scanning or the link for instant login to the tournament administration page without any user authentication.

This feature provides convenience and quick access for administrators to manage tournament tasks efficiently.

Congratulations! You've successfully added a new administrator to your tournament within Kumite Technology. Repeat these steps as needed to manage your tournament's administrative team effectively.

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