Bout Scheduling

The scheduler is a powerful tool for scheduling bouts and assigning them to controllers. Follow these steps to effectively schedule bouts for your tournament:

Accessing the Scheduler

To open the scheduler, navigate to the "Controller" submenu and click on the "Scheduler" button in the main menu. This will take you to the scheduler screen where you can manage bout scheduling.

Initial Scheduler Screen

Creating a Controller

Start by creating a controller. Click on the "Create New Controller" button, and a dialog will appear where you can enter the controller's name, add a queue prefix (shown as a prefix to bout numbers on draws and bout preview screens), and choose to hide/show the controller.

Create Controller Dialog

Assigning Categories to Controllers

Once controllers are created, you can begin assigning categories, rounds, or bouts to the controllers. Use the search box to filter out specific categories, rounds, or bout numbers. You can group categories by round or bout number by selecting the appropriate option from the dropdown menu.

Filtering Categories

Grouping by Round

Grouping by Bout

To assign categories to specific controllers, simply drag and drop the category to the controller column. Categories will be scheduled automatically following the sequence of categories in the list.

Assigning to Controllers

Automating Bouts Numeration

You can automate the numbering of bouts following the sequence of rounds. Click on the three dots in the controller column and select "Numerate Bouts by Rounds". Specify the number of categories by which bouts should be numerated or leave empty to have all finals scheduled at the end.

Controller Menu

Automatic Numeration

Assigning Finals to Separate Controller

Group categories by rounds and assign all finals to a separate controller for efficient management.

Assigning Finals

Selecting and Assigning Specific Categories

You can also select certain categories using checkboxes and assign them to a specific controller.

Category Selection

Selection Assignment

Finalizing Scheduling

After assigning all categories to the controllers, review the final result of the scheduling.

Final Result

By following these steps, you can efficiently schedule bouts and manage controllers for your tournament, ensuring smooth and organized competition operations.