
The Certificates page within Kumite Technology allows you to print certificates for participants after the event. You can upload your certificate template and customize printable parts such as first name, last name, place taken, and category of participation. Additionally, you can add your own additional texts and adjust them accordingly using the text blocks provided.

Uploading Certificate Template

  1. Navigate to the Certificates page and click on "Create New" to upload your certificate template.

Create Certificate Template

  1. Customize the template by adjusting the printable parts and adding any additional text blocks as needed. Use string templates such as {{ firstName }}, {{ lastName }}, {{ place }}, and {{ category }}, which will be replaced with the actual values when the certificate is printed.

Printing Certificates

  1. Once you have set up everything and finished organizing the categories, you can print the certificates. Navigate to the Certificates page and select the category for which you want to print certificates.

  2. Click on the print icon on the top of the category list to filter out categories that are ready to be printed.

Print Certificates

  1. After printing the certificates, it is advisable to mark them as printed to avoid duplicate printing. This can be done by selecting the printed certificates and clicking on the "Mark as Printed" button.

Mark as Printed

By utilizing the Certificates feature, you can easily generate and print certificates for participants, providing them with tangible recognition of their achievements in the event.