Participant Management

The participant management page is where you oversee all participants, perform various actions such as filtering by school, editing participant details, and managing categories.

Participant List

On the participant management page, you can view a list of all participants registered for the tournament. You can scroll through the list or use filters to narrow down the participants displayed.

Participant List

Filtering Participants by School

To filter participants by school, utilize the filter option located at the top of the page. This feature is particularly useful during processes like weight inspection where filtering participants by school is essential.

Filter by School

Editing Participant Details

Click on the name of a participant to access the participant's details and make necessary edits. Depending on your role, you may have permissions to edit all details or only specific ones.

Edit Participant

Splitting Categories

If you need to split a large category, such as in small children tournaments, you can easily do so by filtering out the desired categories. Once selected, use the "split selected categories" button. Enter the maximum participant number for the new categories and click "preview" to see the proposed split. Adjust as needed by dragging and dropping participants between categories.

Split Categories

After finalizing the split, confirm your selection by clicking "confirm split".

Merging Categories

In case of a shortage of participants, you can merge categories by selecting two categories and clicking the "merge selected categories" button. Choose the category into which you want to merge all participants, then click "merge".

Merge Categories

After confirmation, the categories will be merged, and you'll see the updated result.

Merge Success

By utilizing these features on the participant management page, you can efficiently manage participants, perform necessary edits, and ensure smooth tournament operations.