Create Categories

Categories play a crucial role in organizing tournaments within Kumite Technology. Follow these steps to create and manage categories for your tournament:

1. Access Category Management

Navigate to the category management section within your tournament dashboard. Here, you'll find a list of existing categories along with options to create new ones.

Category List

2. Create a New Category

Click on the "Create New Categories" button to initiate the category creation process. Fill out the category creation form with relevant details such as age, sex, category type, and any other necessary information.

Age Configuration

Specify age ranges for the category participants by entering the minimum and maximum ages allowed. Setting the "Age To" value to 0 (zero) indicates that there is no upper age limit for the category, essentially making it an open-age category.

Weight Configuration

Configure weight classes for the category participants by adding weight ranges. Use the "Plus" button to add more weight classes. Setting both the "Weight From" and "Weight To" values to 0 (zero) indicates that there are no weight restrictions for the category, making it an absolute weight category.

Grade Configuration

Specify grade limitations for the category participants. If no grades are selected, then the category will not have any grade limitations.

Category Creation Form

3. Customize Display Name (Optional)

You can customize the display name of the category to better suit your tournament's needs. Utilize parameters like {weight}, {weightFrom}, {weightTo}, and {grades} to construct display names dynamically. This can be particularly useful for displaying category names in a more user-friendly or descriptive manner.

Customize Display Name

4. Manage Categories

Once created, your new category will appear in the list of categories. From here, you can further manage your categories, including editing category details or deleting categories.

Category List

5. Edit Display Name (Optional)

If needed, you can edit the display name of a category at any time. Simply click on the "Pencil" button next to the category you wish to modify and make the necessary changes.

Edit Display Name

6. Copy Categories (Optional)

To streamline category creation, you can also copy existing categories and make adjustments as needed. This can be useful for creating similar categories with slight variations, saving time and effort in the process.

Copy Categories

Congratulations! You've successfully created and managed categories for your tournament within Kumite Technology. Categories provide structure and organization to your tournament, allowing participants to compete in their respective divisions effectively.