Team Management

Team management within Kumite Technology allows you to efficiently handle various tasks such as editing categories, adding or removing team members, and more. Follow these steps to manage your teams effectively:

Accessing Team Management

  1. Navigate to the Participants section and filter the list by category or specific participant.

Participant List

  1. Click on the team name in the list of participants to open the team management dialog.

Editing Team Details

  1. In the team management dialog, you can perform various actions:

    • Add Team Members: Click on the "Add User" button to search for and add new team members. Note that the search will only include users who are already registered for the tournament and belong to the same school as the team.

    Add Team Members

    • Remove Team Members: To delete a specific user from the team, click on the "Delete" icon next to the participant you want to remove.
    • Change Team Category: Select a new category from the dropdown menu and click the "Save" icon to update the team's category.
    • Delete Team: To remove the entire team from the competition, click on the "Delete" icon next to the category name.

Team Management Dialog

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage your teams, make necessary adjustments, and ensure smooth participation in the tournament.