Create Tournament

To create a new tournament within Kumite Technology, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to "My Tournaments"

Access the "My Tournaments" page from your dashboard. If it's your first time creating a tournament, you'll see a message prompting you to create your first tournament along with a call-to-action (CTA) button labeled "Create your first tournament".

My Tournaments Page Navigation

2. Initiate Tournament Creation

Click on the "Create your first tournament" CTA button to initiate the tournament creation process. A tournament creation dialog will appear where you can enter the necessary information for your tournament, such as name, date and location. Proceed through any payment steps if required and complete the tournament creation process.

Tournament Creation Dialog

3. View Tournament Information

After successfully creating the tournament, you will be redirected to the tournament information page. Here, you can view all the details of your tournament, including its name, date, location, and description. You can also edit these details if needed.

Tournament Information Page

4. Set Up Tournament Display Settings

Additionally, you can set up various tournament display settings to customize how your tournament information is presented:

  • Hide Draws: Choose to hide draws from being displayed publicly.
  • Show Country, Region, Organization, School: Display additional participant information such as country, region, organization, or school.
  • White Participant Goes First: Specify whether, in your organization's tournaments, the participant with the white token goes first in draws and on the tatami.
  • Participant Grouping: Select how participants will be grouped and seeded in draws, which also determines how they will be shown in the tournament info page and final results.

Tournament Display Settings

Congratulations! You've successfully created a new tournament within Kumite Technology. You can now proceed to manage your tournament, including managing registrations, categories, and more.