Tournament Management

The Tournament Management page serves as the central hub for orchestrating all tournament-related activities. Here, organizers can efficiently manage various aspects of the tournament to ensure its smooth operation and success. Let's explore the main features of the Tournament Management page:

Accessing the Page

Navigate to the Tournament Management page by clicking on "Admin" in the navigation bar of the tournament page.

Accessing Tournament Management

Main Features

1. Participant Management

Efficiently manage participants by performing tasks such as weight inspection, category changes, splitting, and merging categories, ensuring that participants are appropriately grouped and ready for competition.

2. Draw Generation

Generate draws for the tournament, including seeding, manual editing, and viewing functionalities. Ensure fair and balanced matchups by utilizing advanced seeding algorithms and manual adjustments.

3. Bout Scheduling

Streamline the scheduling process with our advanced bout scheduling tool. Generate schedules, assign venues, and manage match timings efficiently to ensure a smooth flow of matches throughout the tournament.

4. Results Tracking

Keep track of match results in real-time and easily update brackets and standings as matches progress. Provide participants and spectators with up-to-date information on match outcomes and tournament standings.

5. Preview/Information Screen Preparation

Prepare a preview or information screen to be displayed in the sports arena during the tournament. Customize the information displayed to include details such as match schedules, participant lists, and tournament announcements, enhancing the spectator experience.

6. And More

Explore additional features and functionalities available on the Tournament Management page to further optimize tournament operations and ensure a successful event.

The Tournament Management page is where all the magic happens during the tournament day. With its comprehensive set of tools and features, organizers can efficiently manage every aspect of the tournament, from participant management to results tracking, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable experience for all involved.