Schools & Organizations

In Kumite Technology, Schools and Organizations play crucial roles in the tournament organization process. Both entities facilitate the management of members and their registration for tournaments, while offering different levels of administrative control.


School managers can create and manage their schools, enabling smoother registration of their members into tournaments. Additionally, schools can assign administrators to assist with registration and member management tasks.

Key Features for Schools:

  1. Create and Manage Schools: School owners can easily create new schools and manage members.
  2. Member Management: Add, edit, or import members to the school via a CSV file.
  3. Assign Administrators: Designate school administrators to help with member registration and management.
  4. Register Members and Teams to Tournaments: Manage individual or team registrations for tournaments, making edits as necessary.


Organizations represent a higher level of control, often used by regional or national sports federations. Organizations can affiliate multiple schools, giving organization administrators oversight over the affiliated schools and their members. This feature is especially useful for managing registrations in high-level tournaments such as European or World Championships, where only authorized organizations can control sportsmen registration.

Key Features for Organizations:

  1. Affiliate Schools: Organizations can affiliate multiple schools under their management.
  2. Member Access: Organization administrators can access the member lists of affiliated schools for tournament registrations and management.
  3. Manage High-Level Tournament Registrations: Organizations often control registrations for prestigious tournaments, allowing them to manage participants and ensure compliance with event requirements.

Next Steps

To effectively utilize Schools & Organizations within Kumite Technology, here are the next steps:

  1. Detailed Guide on Creating a School: Learn how to create a new school within the platform.
  2. Creating and Managing Organizations: Understand how to create and manage an organization and affiliate schools under its control.
  3. Adding New Members: Explore the process of adding members to schools or organizations.
  4. Importing Members via CSV: Discover how to import multiple members into a school or organization using a CSV file.
  5. Assigning Administrators: Learn how to assign administrators within a school or organization.
  6. Registering Members and Teams to Tournaments: Understand the process of registering individual members or teams for tournaments.