Preview Screens

Preview screens play a crucial role in providing real-time information and updates about the tournament to the audience in sports halls. These screens help keep track of the competition and inform spectators about the current status of matches.

Creating Preview Screens

  1. Navigate to the "Preview Screens" section in the main menu and click on "Create New".

Create Preview Screen

  1. Choose the type of preview screen you want to create from the options provided:
    • Upcoming Preview
    • Scoreboard Preview
    • Television Preview
    • Profiles Preview

For example, you can create an "Upcoming" preview for three tatamis and a "Scoreboard" preview for Tatami 1.

Managing Preview Screens

After creating the preview screens, you can view them in the list. You have the option to edit or delete them by clicking on the "three dots" button next to each created preview screen.

Preview Screen List

Viewing Preview Screens

To view a preview screen, click on the "Open In a new window" icon. This action will open a new window with the selected preview screen. You can then use the URL of this window to display the preview screen on a big screen in the sports hall or share the tab using Chromecast or similar devices.

Upcoming Preview

Scoreboard Preview

Automatic Updates

All updates on the preview screens will occur automatically during the tournament. As the tournament manager runs the bouts by selecting the winner and applying points or warnings to the athletes, these updates will be reflected in real-time on the preview screens.

By utilizing preview screens, you can enhance the tournament experience for both participants and spectators, keeping everyone informed and engaged throughout the event.