Import Members

  1. Navigate to School Members: Access the school members section by selecting it from the navigation menu within your school dashboard.

    School Members Navigation

    Once in the school members section, click on "Import Members" located in the top right corner.

  2. Select CSV for Import: After clicking on "Import Members," you'll be prompted to select the CSV file containing the member data.

    School Members Import

  3. Preview Importable Data: After selecting the CSV file, the system will preview the importable data. Any lines highlighted in red indicate missing or improperly formatted required data. Ensure that all mandatory fields such as "firstName", "lastName", "birthDay", "sex", and "country" are properly filled and formatted according to the specified requirements. Date of Birth should be in the format "YYYY-MM-DD", Sex should be either "f" or "m", Grade should match "0 KYU" or "0 DAN", and Country should match Alpha-2 country codes (e.g., "LT", "GB", etc.).

    School Members Import Preview

  4. Initiate Import: Once you've verified and corrected any errors, click on the "Import" button to proceed with the import.

  5. Success Confirmation: Upon successful import, you will receive a confirmation message indicating that the members have been imported successfully.

    Import Success

  6. Viewing Member List: You will be redirected to the members list, where you can view the newly imported members along with the existing ones.

Congratulations! You've successfully imported members into your school within Kumite Technology using a CSV file. Repeat these steps as needed to efficiently manage your school's member roster.