
In Kumite Technology, schools play a pivotal role in the tournament organization process. School managers can create and manage their schools, allowing for smoother registration of members into tournaments. Additionally, schools have the flexibility to assign administrators who can assist with registration processes and member management tasks.

Next Steps

To effectively utilize schools within Kumite Technology, here are the next steps:

  1. Detailed Guide on Creating a School: Learn how to create a new school within the platform.

  2. Adding New Members: Understand the process of adding individual members to a school.

  3. Importing Members via CSV: Explore the option to import multiple members into a school using a CSV file.

  4. Assigning School Administrators: Learn how to designate administrators within a school to assist with management tasks.

  5. Registering School Members to Tournaments: Discover how to register members of a school for tournaments and make necessary edits to registrations.

  6. Registering Teams to Tournaments: Understand the process of registering teams associated with a school for tournaments and managing team registrations.

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