Create School

To create a school within Kumite Technology, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Navigate to "My Schools": Click on the "My Schools" option located under your user name in the navigation menu.

    My Schools Navigation

  2. Initiate School Creation: If you haven't created any schools yet, you'll encounter a message box prompting you to create a school. Click on the "Create School" call-to-action (CTA) to proceed.

    Create School CTA

  3. Fill in the Form: You'll be presented with a form requiring you to input various details about the school. Ensure all required fields are filled out accurately.

    School Creation Form

  4. Redirect to School Edit Form: After successfully creating the school, you'll be automatically redirected to the school edit form. Here, you can further customize your school by adding a logo and notices. Additionally, you'll find navigation options to manage members, administrators, and tournaments associated with the school.

    School Edit Form

Congratulations! You've successfully created a school within Kumite Technology. You can now proceed to add members, assign administrators, and utilize the school for tournament registrations.