Add Administrators

School administrators are individuals designated to assist school owners in managing the day-to-day operations of a school. They have additional privileges and responsibilities compared to regular school members.

To add administrators to your school within Kumite Technology, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Navigate to School Administrators: Go to the school administrators page within your school dashboard.

    School Administrators Page

  2. Initiate Invitation: Click on the "Invite administrator" button to start inviting a new administrator.

    Invite Administrator Form

  3. Fill in Invitation Form: Fill in the required details in the invitation form, including the administrator's email address.

  4. Send Invitation: After successfully filling out the form, click on the "Send invitation" button to send the invitation. A success message will be displayed, and an email will be sent to the provided email address.

    Invitation Sent

  5. Accept Invitation: The recipient of the invitation will receive an email with a link to accept the invitation. They can either log in if they already have an account or register for a new account. Upon accepting the invitation, they will be redirected to the school administrators page with a success message.

    Invitation Email Accept Invitation - Login Accept Invitation - Register

  6. View New Administrator: Once the invitation is accepted, the new administrator will appear in the administrators table on the school administrators page.

    New Administrator

Congratulations! You've successfully added a new administrator to your school within Kumite Technology. Repeat these steps as needed to manage your school's administrative team effectively.