Add Members

Adding members to your school within Kumite Technology is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to add new members:

  1. Navigate to School Members: Access the school members section by selecting it from the navigation menu within your school dashboard.

    School Members Navigation

  2. Create a New Member: Click on the "Create New Member" button to initiate the member creation process.

    Create New Member

  3. Fill in Member Details: Complete the required fields in the member creation form, including name, email, and any additional information.

  4. Submit Member Information: Once all required details are entered, click the "Create Member" button to submit the information.

  5. Redirect to Member Editing Form: Upon successful member creation, you will be automatically redirected to the newly added member's editing form. Here, you can further customize the member's profile, such as adding a photo or updating other information.

    Member Creation Success

  6. Updating Member Information: To update member details, navigate back to the school members section, find the member you wish to update, and click on the school members name. Make the necessary changes and save them.

    Update Member Success

  7. Viewing Member List: You can view the list of all school members, including the newly added ones, in the school members section.

    Member List

Congratulations! You've successfully added new members to your school within Kumite Technology. Repeat these steps as needed to manage your school's member roster effectively.