The International Tournament "In Memory of Berik Kabulov" in Shinkyokushinkai karate among juniors will take place on 18-19 of October in Almaty, Kazakhstan, in Sport complex “SADU Arena” (Al-Farabi 128/7, Almaty, Kazakhstan)
a) 6-7 years old:
Boys: -20 kg; -25kg; -30kg; +30kg; Girls: -25kg; +25kg;
b) 8-9 years old (-9 KYU):
Boys: -25kg; -30kg; -35kg; +35kg;
c) 8-9 years old:
Boys: -25kg; -30kg; -35kg; +35kg; Girls: -30kg; +30kg;
d) 10-11 years old (-9 KYU):
Boys: -30kg; -35kg; -40kg; +40kg;
e) 10-11 years old:
Boys: -30kg; -35kg; -40kg; +40kg; Girls: -35kg; 40kg;+40kg;
f) 12-13 years old:
Boys: -35kg; -40kg; -45kg; -50kg; -55kg; +55kg. Girls: -40kg; -45kg; +45kg.
Duration of fights: 2 min +2 min+ 1 min;
g) 14-15 years old:
Boys: -45kg; -50kg; -55kg; -60kg; -65kg; +65kg. Girls: -50kg; -55kg; +55kg.
Duration of fights: 2 min +2 min+ 1 min;
h) 16-17 years old:
Boys: -60kg; -65kg; -70kg; +70kg. Girls: -50kg; -55kg; -60kg; +60kg.
Duration of fights: 2 min +2 min+ 2 min;
Competition Rules: Shinkyokushinkai (WKO) Karate international rules
Deadline for registration of National teams 01.10.2024
18.10.2024 Friday: Arrival of Teams, Guests, invited Referees, Officials and Participants
09:00 - 18:00 weight and medical control;
18:30 - Referee team seminar;
19:00 - Draws;
19.10.2024 Saturday: 09:00 – Start of Tournament
12:00 – Opening Ceremony
15:00 – Semi Finals and Finals
18:00 – Awarding Ceremony
20.10.2024 Sunday: Check-out and Departure.
a) Accommodation, flight tickets, transportation and meals for all participants shall be covered by Country Organization or Club or participant himself;
b) The participation, entry fee – 15.000 Tenge;
c) Organizational costs of the Tournament will be covered by the Branch of RPA “Federation of Shinkyokushinkai karate” of Almaty and Sports Department of Almaty;
d) Supporters of the event are Sport Department of Almaty.
All competitors are requested to present:
- Written medical certificate (in English) indication that he/she is physically fit and healthy and his/her insurance documents. This medical certificate must not be older than 3 months (women are requested to present written certificate of non-pregnant state);
- Protection men: Groin Protection; Mouth Protection (optional);
- Protection women: Breast Protection (only the cup type is allowed, white); Shin Protection; Mouth Protection (optional);
- Protection Boys 12-13; 14-15;16-17: Additional hand protection.
Shin Protection
Protective helmet
Groin Protection.
- Protection Girls 12-13;14-15;16-17:
Additional hand protection
Shin Protection
Protective helmet
Breast Protection
The Coach must wear the national team uniform.
Contact Persons:
Valeriya Krestina – Secretary of Branch of RPA ‘Federation of Shinkyokushinkai karate” of Almaty. Tell/cell: +7 777 8099411
Artur Kavalenko –Member of the Organizing Committee. Tel/cell: +7 777 0339117
We wish everyone a great tournament, high international standard of Shinkyokushinkai Karate
Welcome to Kazakhstan OSU!
Al-Farabi 128/7, Sport complex "SADU Arena", Almaty, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazachstan
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