Open Dutch Championship 2025 Kyokushin Karate

16 lutego 2025
Open Dutch Championship 2025 Kyokushin Karate

Osu Shihan / Sensei / Senpai

We invite you to attend the tournament to be organized under the auspices of the Netherlands Karate Kyokushin Organization by Gouken Dojo:

Open Dutch Championships Kyokushin

Kumite & Kata

Sunday 16 February 2025 Arnhem, The Netherlands

For this championship the KWF rules apply with the exception that mawashi geri gedan/low kicks are allowed in all categories.

Registration closes Feb. 10, 2025. After this date, registration will be closed

Fopr acces to all infomation go to: Open Netherlands Championship KWF 2025


Informacje kontaktowe

Sportcentrum Valkenhuizen, Beukenlaan 15 , 6823MA, Arnhem, Holandia

© KumiteTechnology 2024