2025 Kyokushin Zeeland Open

June 21, 2025
2025 Kyokushin Zeeland Open

To celebrate our 40-year anniversary, we hereby invite you to the 2025 Kyokushin Zeeland Open, an International kyokushin kumite tournament for youth and adults, both beginners and advanced. The tournament is open to all kyokushin schools, regardless of organization.

Date, Location and Time schedule

Saturday, 21 June 2025, Omnium Sports Centre, Zwembadweg 3, 4463 AB Goes, The Netherlands
(Over 400 free parking spaces are available at the Sports Centre).

Start of matches: 10:30 AM. Hall open for public 10:00 AM

Check-In youth 8 to 17 years no later than 09:30 AM.

Check-in 18+ no later than 12:00h. Start of Adult matches around 1:30PM.

Check-in officials: not later than 09:30 am
Coach and Referee meeting: 10:00am

There will be NO weigh-in. The weight is randomly checked. A deviation of 3kg or more than registered will result in disqualification. (please check 7 days before Tournament and report any changes)

Registration and Payment

Registration can be done via https://app.kumitetechnology.com/en/ not later than May 1, 2025. Payment via IBAN NL51RABO0118959840, BIC / SWIFT RABONL2U on name of Kyokushin Zeeland with reference "participation Kyokushin Zeeland Open 2025, name school / club". Once paid, registration is final.

Poules and Experience Categories

The poules for ages 8 - 17 years will be divided based on age, height, weight and experience category.
After the poules are completed, the prizes will be awarded immediately.

The poules for 18 years and older are divided based on age, weight and experience category.
(knock-out system with a Resit Round)

Each participant’s Tournament Passport will be checked

Category D: (0 Tournaments)
Category C: (1-3 Tournaments)
Category B: (>3 Tournaments, only national)
Category A: (> 3 Tournaments both national and international).

Tournament Rules
All Kyokushin organizations are welcome. Annex of Allowed and Forbidden Techniques will be mailed to the registered schools or upon request to 2025@kyokushinzeeland.nl 

Match system and duration

Youth 8 till 17 years in pool system 1.5 minutes.

Point count: win = 3 points, tie = 1 point and loss = 0 points.

18+ match elimination system with Resit round, duration 2 minutes, at hikiwake 2 minutes extension, then enchosen. Finals 3 min.

Youth 8 to 17 years: shin guards, groin guard (girls > 12yrs advice Brest protector cups), fist guards, head guard, mouth protector (not required with a closed helmet).

Ladies 18+: shin guards, mouth guard, Brest protector (cups only).

Men 18+: shin guards, mouth guard, groin guard

Participants € 10,00 per person

Spectators € 10,00 per person (under 5 years free entrance)


If you are willing to contribute to our Tournament with one or more referees, please mail to 2025@kyokushinzeeland.nl and mention name of Referee and qualification


We will use 3 tatamis. Per participating school max. 3 coaches. (Please consult with the organizer in case of larger group of participants). All coaches must wear tracksuits.

Responsibility waiver

Kyokushin Zeeland is in no way responsible for theft, personal injury, material loss or damage, etc. during or as a result of this tournament. By registering for this Tournament, you and your participants accept these conditions.

On behalf of the organization, we wish you much success in your preparations.


Tournament Director: Shihan Jan de Jong, 6th dan

Tel. +31684301268, Email: 2025@kyokushinzeeland.nl

Contact Information

© KumiteTechnology 2024
